
unit 1 summary ozet

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Hello = Hi (=very informal) -Merhaba
Hello. I’m Ümit / Hi. I’m Aslı. /
My name is Belma.(Adım Belma)/
Hi. My name is Betül.(Selam,benim adım Aslı.)
Good Morning (Günaydın) Good Afternoon(Tünaydın)
Good Evening(İyi akşamlar) Good Night(İyi geceler)
BANU: Hi. I’m Banu. What is your name?(Selam,ben Banu.Senin adın ne?)
BRIAN: Hello. My name’s Brian.(Merhaba,adım Brian)
BANU: Nice to meet you (Tanıştığıma memnun oldum.)
BRIAN: Nice to meet you too.(Ben de memnun oldum)
Nice to meet you = Glad to meet you = Pleased to meet you.= How do you do =TANIŞTIĞIMA MEMNUN OLDUM
FORMAL : Goodbye(Güle güle)
INFORMAL: Bye /see you(Görüşürüz)/see you later(Sonra görüşürüz)/see you tomorrow(yarın görüşürüz)
Cheers(Hoşçakal) / Take care(kendine iyi bak)
How are you?(Nasılsın?)
Fine, thank you. = Fine, thanks.(İyiyim teşekkürler.)
Informal (Resmi olmayan)
How are things? How’s things? -How’s it going? -How are you doing/going(USA) =Nasıl gidiyor?
Great-Harika Not too bad-Fena sayılmaz. OK/All right-iyidir so-so –İdare eder
Formal: Thank you very much / Thank you very much indeed /
Informal: Thanks / Thanks a lot
Replıes to thanks(Teşekkür edildiğinde verilecek cevaplar)
A: Thanks A: Thank you very much for tea. A: Thank you. A: Thanks a lot.
B: That’s Ok(all right)-Tamam B: Not at all (formal)-Rica ederim B: You are welcome.-Rica ederim B: Don’t mention it.-Rica ed.

CLASSROOM ENGLISH(Sınıf İngilizcesi)

Listen -Dinle/ Repeat after me-tekrarla / Come here-buraya gel / Open your books/notebooks –kitaplarınızı/defterlerinizi açın/
Close your books-kitaplarınızı kapatın / Write this into your notebooks-Bunları defterlerinize yazın.
Learn this by heart -ezberleyin/ Do your homework –ödevinizi yapın/ Look here-Buraya bakın / Fill in the blanks-Boşlukları doldurun
Read the text silently-parçayı sessizce okuyun / Work in pairs-ikili çalışın / Ask a question-soru sorun/Answer the question –Soruyu
cevaplayın/ Look at the board-Tahtaya bakın / Don’t read -Okumayın/ Read a lot –Çok okuyun/ Practice a lot-alıştırma yapın / Revise your
notes-yazdıklarınızı tekrar edin

Be quiet, please –Lütfen sessiz olun/ Speak English-İngilizce konuşun. / Stand up-ayağa kalkın / Sit down-oturun / Put your fingers up-
parmak kaldırın / Put your fingers down-parmaklarınızı indirin / No talking-konuşmak yok / Sit back-arkaya yaslanın

Open/Close the window-pencereyi açın-kapatın / Don’t run in the class-sınıfta koşmayın / Don’t miss classes-dersi kaçırmayın /
Don’t be late for school-okula geç kalmayın
Feedback and encouragement:
Good.-İyi / Very good –Çok İyi/ Excellent-Mükemmel / Well done -Aferin/ Thank you –Tşk./Try again-Tekrar dene


Am Is Are Konu Anlatımı :Genel anlamda “to be” yardımcı fiili; herhangi bir durum, statü, konum veya zamanı ifade etmek için
kullanılır. Yardımcı Fiil Kullanımı: Olumlu cümlelerde yardımcı fiil (am/is/are) özneden hemen sonra gelir. Olumsuz cümlelerde
yardımcı fiilden hemen sonra “not” eki gelir. Soru cümlelerinde ise önce soru kelimesi (varsa), ardından yardımcı fiil ve hemen
sonrasında özne gelir.
Singular subject pronouns–(Tekil Şahıs Zamirleri) : I – YOU – HE – SHE – IT
Plural Subject Pronouns –(Çoğul Şahıs Zamirleri) : WE – YOU – THEY
Singular Nouns –Tekil İsimler : Ali , Ayşe , Mr. Green , Miss. Kaplan , a tree , a computer
Plural nouns -Çoğul İsimler : Ali and Ahmet , trees , cars , computers

a) “ I” am ile kullanılır.
I am a worker .-Ben bir işçiyim I am not an engineer .-Ben mühendis değilim.
b) He,she ,it ve tekil özneler “is” alır.
He is a teacher –O bir öğretmen. She is a model –O bir manken Hülya Avşar is a singer-Hülya A. bir şarkıcı
c) We ,you,they ve çoğul özneler “are” alır.
Ali and Veli are friends .-Ali ve Veli arkadaşlar. -We are computer engineers-Biz bilgisayar mühendisiyiz.

    I’m not….
    He-She-It isn’t…..
    We-You-They aren’t……
    I am not a doctor = I’m not a doctor -Doktor değilim
    You are not in the garden = You aren’t in the garden-Bahçede değilsin
    He is not happy = He isn’t happy-O, mutlu değil
    She is not a musician = She isn’t a musician-O,müzisyen değil
    It is not a pencil . = It isn’t a pencil-O bir kalem değil
    We are not sad = We aren’t sad-Üzgün değiliz
    They are not at home. = They aren’t at home.-Onlar evde değiller
    Am I your friend? Yes , you are / Yes , you are my friend.
    Ben senin arkadaşın mıyım? No , you aren’t / No , you aren’t early
    Are you from İzmir ? Yes , I am / Yes , I am from İzmir.
    İzmirli misin? No, I am not / No , I am not from İzmir .
    Is she at home ? Yes , she is / Yes , she is at home
    O evde mi? No, she isn’t / No , she isn’t at home .
    Is he a doctor ? Yes , he is / Yes , he is a doctor .
    O bir doctor mu? No , he isn’t / No , he isn’t a doctor .
    Is this a pen ? Yes , it is . / Yes , it is a pen .
    Bu bir kalem mi? No , it isn’t / No , it isn’t a pen .
    Are we late ? Yes , we/you are / Yes , we/you are late .
    Geç kaldık mı? No , we/you aren’t / No , we/you aren’t late .
    Are they in the class ? Yes , they are / Yes , they are in the class .
    Onlar sınıftalar mı? No , they aren’t / No , they aren’t in the class .
    WHO , WHOSE , WHERE , WHICH , WHAT , WHEN , WHY , HOW …… etc
    Questions with WHAT
    What is your name ? -Adın ne?
    Who are they ? – Onlar kim?
    How is the weather ?- Hava nasıl?

Where are the children ? -Çocuklar nerede?
Which book is yours ?-Hangi kitap senin?
A. Fill in am, is, are, am not, isn’t or aren’t.

  1. A : Where______ Carlos from?
    B : He _ from Italy.
  2. A : _ you from Brazil? B : No, I _. I _ from Spain.
  3. A : _ they Greek? B : Yes, they _.
  4. A : _ she your sister? B : No, she __
  5. A : Your friends _ students at a school of tourism, aren’t they? B : No, they __
    B. Put the words in the correct order.
  6. you / a / student / university / _________________________________________
  7. sister / My / old / years / is / nineteen ___________________________________
  8. is / English / subject / my / favourite _____________________________________
  9. isn’t / Matthew / Ireland / from _________________________________________.
  10. room / Her / very / is / big _______________________________________________
  11. you / in / class 9B / Are / your / and / friend ______________________________________

SUBJECT PRONOUNS-Şahıs zamirleri

*Ahmet-He *Ece and Fatih-They
*Serap-She *The dogs-They
*My cat-It *The table-It
*The students-They *You and I-We
A. Look at the words in brackets and complete the sentence with the correct subject pronoun.

  1. _ is watching TV. (George)
  2. _ is white. (the board)
  3. _ are on the wall. (the posters)
  4. __ are running. (the cats)
  5. __ are cleaning our rooms. (my sister and I)
  6. _ are riding his bike. (Tom and Susan)
  7. _ have got a dog. My dog’s name is Berry.
  8. __ is from Bristol. (Victoria)
  9. __ are in the garden. (the flowers)
  10. Are __ coming, Joe?


Genel olarak “whose ..?” sorusuna cevap verirken iyelik sıfatları kullanılır.
Whose car is this?-Bu kimin arabası It is my car.-O benim arabam.
Whose books are those?-Bu kitaplar kimin? Our books.-Bizim kitaplarımız
Whose birthday is in May?-Kimin doğum günü Mayıs’ta? My birthday. –Benim doğum günüm.
A. Fill in the blanks with his, her, its, my, our, your, their.

  1. Bill is my cousin. __ bike is green.
  2. Mike and Peter are Irish. _ parents are teachers.
  3. I am interested in movies. __ favourite director is Steven Spielberg.
  4. Linda is the new student. __________hair is red.
  5. We are from Sweden. ___________classmates are French and Turkish.
  6. You are tall but ___________brother is short.
  7. My dog is so cute. __ name is Dark.
    B. Choose the correct answer.
  8. My twin brothers …………… eighteen years old.
    a) am b) is c) are
  9. This is my friend Linda. …………… favourite sport is tennis.
    a) Her b) She c) His
  10. Look at Jill and Sue’s cat. …………… colour is white and grey.
    a) It b) Its c) Their
  11. Who is that with your brother? ………….. best friend.
    a) He b) His c) Her
  12. My favourite subjects………….. History and Literature.
    a) are b) is c) am


have/has got Türkçe’de sahip olmak anlamındadır. Sahip olduğunuz bir şeyi ifade etmek için kullanılır. Aşağıda şahıslara göre nasıl
kullanıldığını gösteren tablo verilmiştir.

Olumsuz yapıda ise ” have-haven’t , has-hasn’t ” şeklinde kullanılmaktadır. Tek yapmanız gereken ” n’t ” getirmek. Uzun
yazılış ile ” have – has ” den sonra ” not ” getirmek. Bu kadar basit.

Bu yapıda ise ” have , has ” cümle başına gelir. Gerisi aynen yazılır. İşte oldu , bu kadar.

A. Choose the correct option.

  1. Have / Has Simon got a wardrobe in his room?
  2. My grandparents have / has got a big house with a swimming pool.
  3. Have / Has your twin sister got a laptop?
  4. Sheila haven’t / hasn’t got a TV in her bedroom.
  5. What have / has your sister got in her hand?
    B. Put the words in the correct order.
  6. got / has / Jane / camera / new / a ___________________
  7. Have / a / you / sister / got ___________________
  8. Sue / got / eyes / hair / blonde / has / and / green __________________________
  9. you / got / new / a / phone / Have _____________________________________
  10. big / living room / My / have / a / got / grandparents __________________________


İngilizce’de emir yapısı Simple Present Tense ile kurulur ve sadece karşıdakine verilir. Bu da “sen ve siz” olmak üzere iki kişidir.

  • Speak slowly.(Yavaş konuş)
  • Don’t speak loudly. (Yüksek sesle konuşma.)
  • Come here. (Buraya gel.)
  • Don’t look at me. (Bana bakma.)

EXERCISES : Fill in the blanks using “-” or “don’t” where necessary.

  1. look at the camera and move.
  2. You are very thirsty. drink some water.
  3. Your room is very untidy. tidy your room.
  4. There is a good program on this channel. change the channel.
  5. I haven’t got any bread. pass the bread please.
  6. It is very cold. take your jacket off.
  7. The weather is very hot. put your anorak on.
  8. I am not very thirsty. pass the water.
  9. Your t-shirt is very dirty. take your t-shirt off.
  10. Your little brother is asleep. make a noise.
  11. Nasıl Gideceğinizi Sorma Kalıpları
    Excuse me, how can I go to …..? ( Özür dilerim, ……’e nasıl gidebilirim? )
    Excuse me, where s the ……? ( Özür dilerm, …… nerede? )
    Excuse me, where s the nearest bank? ( Özür dilerim, en yakın banka nerede? )
    Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the hospital? ( Özür dilerm, bana hastaneye nasıl gideceğimi söyler misiniz? )
  12. Tarif Yapma Kalıpları
    A. Düz Gitmek
    Go along. ( Düz gidin / Boyunca gidin. )
    Go straight. ( Düz gidin. )
    Go straight ahead.( Düz gidin. )
    Go / Walk down the street. (Sokaktan aşağıya doğru gidin / yürüyün. )
    Go / Walk up the street. (Sokaktan yukarıya doğru gidin / yürüyün. )
    B. Dönmek
    Turn right: Sağa dönün
    Turn left: Sola dönün
    Take the first street on the left / right. ( Soldaki / sağdaki ilk sokaktan dönün. )
    Take the second street on the left / right. ( Soldaki / sağdaki ikinci sokaktan dönün. )
    Take the third street on the left / right. ( Soldaki / sağdak üçüncü sokaktan dönün. )
    Turn right / left at the traffic lights. ( Trafik ışıklarında sağa / sola dönün. )
    Turn left at the roundabout. ( Döner kavşaktan sağa / sola dönün. )
    C. Geçmek
    Cross the road. ( Caddeyi geçin. )
    Pass the library. ( Kütüphaneyi geçin. )
    D. Uzaklıktan Bahsetmek
    Is it far from here? ( Buradan uzak mı? )
    10 minutes by car/on foot. ( Arabayla / yaya 10 dakika )
    5 minutes walk. ( 5 dakikalık yürüme mesafesinde. )
    Just a few minutes on foot. ( Yürüyerek sadece birkaç dakika. )
    It s very far away. I think you had better take a bus / take subway. ( Çok uzak.Bence en iyisi otobüse / metroya binin. )
    E. Lokasyon Bildirmek
    Over there, near the police station. ( Orada karakolun yanında. )
    The school s on the right. ( Okul sağda. )
    The cafe is on the left. ( Kafe solda. )
    Between the post office and the cafe. ( Karakolla kafenin arasında. )
    In front of the shopping centre. ( Alışveriş merkezinin önünde. )
    Next to the car park. ( Otoparkın yanında. )

Look at the map ask questions and answer them



Post Office News-



Oak Street


Chemist’s BANK

Park street

Berkley Boulevard


High school library mosque Florist’s Butcher’s

you are here
Family Members – Aile Bireyleri (Üyeleri)
Mother / Mum : Anne
Father / Dad: Baba
Child: Çocuk
Children: Çocuklar
Brother: Erkek kardeş
Sister: Kız kardeş
Grandmother / Grandma: Anneanne / Babaanne
Grandfather / Grandpa: Dede
Grandparents:Büyük anne-büyük baba
Daughter: Kız evlat
Son: Erkek evlat
Grandchild: Torun
Granddaughter: Kız torun
Grandson : Erkek torun
Cousin: Kuzen

Uncle: Amca, Dayı
Aunt: Hala , Teyze
Nephew: Yeğen (erkek)
Niece: Yeğen (kız)
Sister – in – law: Baldız
Brother-in-law: Kayınbirader
Father-in-law: Kayınpeder
Mother-in-law: Kaynana
Wife: Karı
Husband: Koca
Stepmother: Üvey anne
Stepfather: Üvey baba
Bride: Gelin
Bridegroom/ groom: Damat
Parents: Ebeveyn

England – İngiltere English – İngiliz
The United States of America (the USA) – Amerika
Birleşik Devletleri (ABD) American – Amerikalı
Mexico – Meksika Mexican – Meksikalı
Canada – Kanada Canadian – Kanadalı
Brazil – Brezilya Brazilian – Brezilyalı
Spain – İspanya Spanish – İspanyol
Russia – Rusya Russian – Rus
Germany – Almanya German – Alman
Australia – Avustralya Australian – Avustralyalı
Italy – İtalya Italian – İtalyan
Turkey – Türkiye Turkish – Türk
France – Fransa French – Fransız
Portugal – Portekiz Portuguese – Portekizli
India – Hindistan Indian – Hintli
China – Çin Chinese – Çinli
Greece – Yunanistan Greek – Yunan
Netherlands – Hollanda Dutch – Hollandalı
Argentina – Arjantin Argentinian – Arjantinli
Japan – Japonya Japanese – Japon
Austria – Avusturya Austrian – Avusturyalı

What’s your job?-Mesleğin ne? -I’m a teacher.

Muhasebeci Accountant (ekauntınt)
Oyuncu Actor (ektır)
Kadın oyuncu Actress(ektris)
Ressam Artist (artist)
Fırıncı Baker (beykır)
İnşaatçı Builder(biyıldır)
İş adamı Businessman (bizınısmen)
Marangoz Carpenter (karpıntır)
Kasiyer Cashier(keşiyır)
Aşçı Cook (kuuk)
Dansçı Dancer (densır)
Diş doktoru Dentist (dentist)
Doktor Doctor (daktır)
Çiftçi Farmer (farmır)
Futbolcu Footballer (fuutbolır)
Bahçıvan Gardener (gardınır)
Kuaför Hairdresser (heyırdiresır)
Sihirbaz Magician (mecişın)
Hemşire Nurse (nörs)
Boyacı Painter (peyıntır)
Pilot Pilot (paylıt)
Polis memuru Police officer (polis ofisır)
Muhabir Reporter (riportır)
Bilim insanı Scientist (sayntist)
Sekreter Secretary (sekritıri)
Şarkıcı Singer (singır)

Terzi Tailor (teylır)
Öğretmen Teacher (tiçır)
Veteriner Vet (vet)
Garson Waiter (veytır)


A. Write in the correct Verb to be (am-is-are) (10×1=10p.)

  1. Cindy __ my best friend.
  2. Peter and Kate __ classmates.
  3. ________Johnny your brother?
  4. _______you a good student?
  5. They __ in the classroom.
  6. _______this an apple?
  7. Felicia and I __ sisters.
  8. I _ her teacher.
  9. Those my schoolbags
    10.Their father
    a doctor.
    B. Re-arrange the sentences (10×2=20p.)
  10. I / not / an architect / am _______________
  11. She / my mother / is _______________
  12. The girl / not / in the room. / is _______________
  13. Your / a housewife / mother / is _______________?
  14. We / not / got / have / a computer /at home. _______________
  15. My dad / smart / has / clothes / got _______________
  16. The boys / a ball / got / have _______________
  17. Has / sister / your / a car / got _______________?
  18. Straight / turn / and / go / ahead / right _______________
  19. Can / get to / I / the cinema / how _______________?
    C. Fill in the blanks with the correct po ssessive adjectives (my, your, his, her, ıts, our, their). (12×1=12p.)
  20. Hello. I’m Tina. This is _ mother. _ name is Betty.
  21. They are sisters. _ names are Hale and Jale.
  22. Are you John? Is this _ book?
  23. Steve is here. These are ________books.
  24. Orhan and I are brothers and this is __ house.
  25. _____names are Frank and George. We are doctors.
  26. You are a teacher and _ class is 11A.
  27. This is our car. ________color is blue.
  28. My favorite pop stars are Noel and Liam. I think _ music is great.
  29. A: Who’s favorite pop star?
    favorite pop star is Mustafa Sandal.
    D. Write the numbers in words. (5×1=5p.)
    E. Write the words in numbers. (5×1=5p.)
    Seven :
    Seventy :
    Forty-nine :
    Nineteen :
    F. Write the countries or the nationalities (5×1=5p.)
  30. The USA __________
  31. Spain __________
  32. __ English
  33. __ Chinese
  34. Greece __________

G. Match the jobs with the explanations. (8×1=8p.)
1)A baker a) designs buildings. 2) A florist b) catch the criminals.
3) A mechanic c) helps people while they’re shopping.
_4) An architect d) makes bread. 5) A shop assistant e) sells flowers
___6) A writer f) is the assistant to the boss.
___7) A secretary g) writes books.
___8) A policeman h) repairs cars.
H. Use have got or has got (5×1=5p.)

  1. I______________ 5 English classes a week.
  2. My brother______________ a new book.
  3. My father______________ a lot of tools.
  4. George and Mary __ a new flat.
  5. Our school __ a big garden.
    I. Fill in the blanks with the correct family members (5×2=10p.)
  6. My mother’s husband is my ______
  7. My sister’s mother is my ________
  8. My father’s sister is my _________
  9. My brother’s sister is my _________
  10. My uncle’s son is my ____________
    J. Look at the map and answer the questions (5×2=10p.)


  1. Where is the book shop?
  2. Go straight ahead. Take the second turning on the right. Go past the pub. It is on the right…………………
  3. Where is the flower shop?
  4. Go straight ahead. Take the second turning on the right Go past the bookshop. It is on the left …………………
  5. Where is the baker’s?

K. Write five sentences about yourself (5×2=10p.)

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