
11 sinif ingilizce 1 yariyil 1 sinav

A)Answer the questions below. (4*10:40 pts)

1. Do you think men drive ____________ women in your country?

A. ? dangerously

B. ? more dangerously than

C. ? more dangerously

2. The girls had to finish their work ____________ because the teacher told them to stop.

A. ? quickly

B. ? quick

3. When he was a child, Tony spoke very ____________ and his friends couldn’t understand him.

A. ? quietly

B. ? quieter

C. ? quiet

4. When they heard the bad news, they were very ____________.

A. ? sad

B. ? sadder

C. ? sadly

5.Do you think you speak English ____________? Yes, of course!

? A. goodly

? B. well

? C. good

6. I want my children to behave ____________ to every person that they meet.

? A. nice

? B.nicily

? C.nicely

7. Megan is a very ____________ athlete. She loves sports.

? A.serious

? B.seriously

8. Angelina is a ____________ student. She is kind and pleasant.

? A. love

? B. lovely

9. The group found their hotel ____________ after they bought the map of the city.

? A. easy

? B.easly

? C. easily

10. I always study………..for a big test.

? A. Hardly

? B. Goodly

? C. Hard

B) Remake the sentences according to grammar rules. (10*2:20pts)

1)Has/a new/ computer/at her room/ Shira

2)Have /in your summer house/ got/ a beautiful heater?/you

3)Has /not/ Cizre/ any cinemas / got

4) My wife/ got/has / new students/ at her new school?

5) Wesley Sneijder/ got/has/ a big house like a palace in İstanbul.

6) My room/ has / any/windows?

7)She /has/ beautiful blue/ not/eyes

8)your number?/have/got/I

9)have /not/ They/children /in this school.

10) Beşiktaş/ now/ has/ not/ stadium/ got.

C)Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the verbs.( simple past tense)(3*10:30 pts)

1. It was warm, so I off my coat. (take) 2. The film wasn’t very good. I it very much. (enjoy)(-) 3. I knew Sarah was very busy, so I her. (disturb)(-) 4. I was very tired, so I to bed early. (go) 5. The bed was very uncomfortable. I very well. (sleep)(-) 6. Sue wasn’t hungry, so she anything. (eat)(-) 7. We went to Kate’s house but she at home. (be)(-) 8. It was a funny situation but nobody (laugh) 9. The window was open and a bird into the room. (fly)

10. Mozart more than 600 pieces of music. (Write)

D) FILL IN THE BLANKS WITH “ a / an ”. ( 10 x 1 = 10 points)

♦ ………… orange juice ♦ ………… expensive motorbike

♦ …………. carpet ♦ ………… word game

♦ …………. house ♦ …………. astronaut

♦ ………… lawyer ♦ …………. English dictionary

♦ ………… post office

♦ …………. University.

English Teacher Sedat Gürler

Good Luck! Sincerely.

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