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Aşağıdaki verilen iki seçenekten doğru olanı yuvarlak içine alınız.

  1. be bad(atY for
  2. be fo n d ly at
    3 be sorry to /(cEGoltF)
  3. be worried with /(aboul)
  4. be good(aTy in
  5. be late (for) / to
  6. be scared from /(of)
  7. be angry (with)/ from
  8. be polite with / ©
    10 be terrible on /(at)
    11 be married®/ at
  9. be excellent®/on
  10. be pleased from /(yvjtR)
  11. be interested with yn)
  12. be k e e n ® /to
  13. be full w ith /®
  14. be nice fo r/®
  15. be kind® / for
  16. be afraid®/ from
  17. be excited with / ^SouT)
    Cümleleri uygun bir edatla (preposition) tamamlayınız.
  18. He is worried about me.
  19. They are excited about the party.
  20. We are sorry about the mistake.
  21. We are ready for the exam.
  22. They are pleased with the results.
  23. I’m interested in archaeology.
  24. The text is full of mistakes.
  25. The teacher is always nice to her students.
  26. We are late for the class.
  27. He’s married to an American actress.
  28. They are keen on folk music.
  29. Be polite to your classmates.
  30. I’m not afraid of animals. In fact, I love them.
  31. They are excellent at software development.
    Aşağıdaki cümlelerde verilen uygun yer edatını seçiniz.
  32. There are 81 cities on 4jn)Turkey.
  33. Write your name behind /[ön)the whiteboard.
  34. The vase is(on)/ in the table.
  35. My grandmother lives on /(0)here.
  36. My credit card is always of /® m y wallet.
  37. The city is under / (between)two mountains.
  38. She is (on)/ between the sofa.
  39. The cat is(behind)/ in the wall, so I can’t see it.
  40. The man in /(at)the door looks dangerous. You must be careful.
  41. Watch out! He’s got a gun on /Qn)his hand.
    Aşağıdaki cümlelerde verilen iki seçenekten doğru olanı yuvarlak içine alınız.
  42. When I wake up in the morning, I (first)/ next wash my face.
  43. First, I need to take a shower. (Then)/ 4fter we can go out.
  44. I have breakfast and so /(then)I get dressed.
  45. I like chocolate,®!)/ next my brother doesn’t.
  46. She likes watching films, later /(so)she buys a lot of DVDs.
  47. We do our homework, and(after that)/ first of all we can go out and play.
  48. We(finally)/ so arrive home at around ten o’clock.
  49. Good morning, everyone. But / (First of alj, I’d like to thank you for your help.
    — 92 —
    Cümleleri would, do, does veya 0 ile tamamlayınız.
  50. They 0 like dancing. 7. Does he like dancinq?
  51. We would like to go home. 8. Do y o u like swimminq?
  52. She would like an apple. 9. Alan: Would you like to swim?
  53. They 0 want an apple. Jill : That’s a great idea.
  54. They 0 want to eat an apple. 10. We 0 like swimminq very much
  55. Chris : Would she like to dance?
    Simon : Why don’t you ask her?
    Cümleleri am (not), is (not), are (not), have (not), has (not), do (not), does (not) veya
    would (not) ile tamamlayınız.
    The kids
    have got a lovely little dog. They love playing with it.
    aren’t in the kitchen. They are in the living room.
    We love our teacher. We don’t_____ want a new teacher.
    She doesn’t want to go to school today.
    Of course, I am.
    Yes, of course.
    How______ do
    you ready to leave?
    she like to go to the party tonight?
    you go to school? By bus. ____Do you have any questions?
    No, everything is clear enough.
    How many children_____would
    Only one.
    The teacher is angry because Tony
    you like to have?
    always late for class.
    Aşağıdaki soruları cevaplayınız.
  56. Would you like to take a walk now?
  57. What else would you like to do?
  58. What else do you want to do?
  59. What does your best friend want to do?
  60. Do you want to know my name?
  61. Would you like to know my name?
  62. What else would you like to know?
  63. What else do you want to know?
  64. Do you like reading?
  65. Would you like to read a novel?
    Yes, I’d like to take a walk now.
    I would like to chat with you.
    I want to have a cold drink.
    She wants to join us._
    Yes, I want to know your name. _

    Yes, I would like,To know your name.
    I’d like to know your phone number.
    I want to know your address._ Yes, I like reading. __
    I would like to read a novel.

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