
9 sinif ingilizce if wish clauses


If Clause + Result Clause = Sentence

If it is sunny tomorrow, we will have a picnic.

You will be able to catch the train if you hurry.

*** Bir kosul cümlesini soru yapmak için, sadece sonuç cümlecigi kullanılr:

What would you do if you had a lot of money?

bu cümlecik aynı kalır

Types of If Clauses:

Zero Type Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Mixed Type

Zero Type:

Her zaman gerçek olan bir durum ve buna baglı bir kosulu anlatır. Hem kosul cümleciginde hem de sonuç cümleciginde Present Tense kullanılır.

If you heat ice, it melts.

If we get low marks, our teacher gets upset.

Type 1:

Bu tür kosul cümleleri gelecekle ilgilidir ve gelecegi anlatan bir zaman ifadesiyle birlikte kullanılır.

If Clause: Simple Present + Result Clause: Subject + will + V1

*** Kosul cümleciginde ‘will’ kullanılmaz.

If it rains tomorrow, we will stay at home.

We will finish the report on time if we start earlier.

*** Kosul cümlelerinden sonra bir emir cümlesi de kullanılabilinir.

If she has finished, tell her that she may leave early.

If you come early, don’t expect us to be there.

*** Kosul ya da sonuç cümleciklerinde Present Modals kullanılabilinir.

If she sees you, she may cry.

I may call him if I find his number.

Type 2:

Bu tür kosul cümleleri, günümüz ya da içinde bulundugumuz anla ilgilidir.

Genellikle hayali durumları ifade etmek için kullanılır. Bazen gelecege de deginebilir.

Sonuç cümleciginde ‘would / could / might’, kosul cümleciginde ise Past Tense kullanılır. Ancak bu tür cümlelerde Past Tense kullanılmasına ragmen, bu yapıda Past tense zaman zarflarını kullanamayız.

If I knew his phone number, I could call him. (I don’t know his phone number.)

If I were you, I wouldn’t act like this.

*** Bu tür kosul cümlelerinde ‘be’ fiilinin ikinci hali bütün sahıslarla birlikte ‘were’ olarak kullanılır.

If there were a little more salt in it, the soup would taste better.

*** Kosul cümleciginde ‘would’ kullanılmaz. Bazen hem kosul hem de sonuç cümleciginde

Simple Past tense kullanlılabilinir. Böyle durumlarda if, ‘whenever’ anlamı tasır.

While I was a student, if / whenever someone disturbed me when studying, I immediately lost

my concentration.

Type 3:

Bu tür kosul cümleleri geçmisle ilgilidir. Geçmiste gerçeklesmesi mümkün olmamıs durumlar ve bunlara baglı bir kosulu anlatmak için kullanılırlar. Bu tür cümlelerde Past Tense zaman zarfları kullanılabilinir.

If Clause: Past Perfect Result Clause: Would Have / Could Have + V3 / Might Have

We lost the match that’s why we couldn’t get through the finals.

= If we hadn’t lost the match, we could have got through the finals.

I didn’t call you because I didn’t know you were in hospital.

= If I had known you were in hospital, I would have called you.

The car in front of me stopped suddenly, so I bumped into it.

= If the car in front of me hadn’t stopped suddenly, I wouldn’t have bunped into it.

Mixed Type:

Bazen, kosul cümlecigi ve sonuç cümlecigindeki zamanlar farklı olabilir. Bir cümlecik günümüzü anlatırken, digeri geçmise deginebilir. Böyle durumlarda mixed type dedigimiz yapı kullanılır. _ki degisik biçimde kullanılır bu yapı:

1 – If + Past Perfect + Past Time expression , would / could / might + V1 + Present Time expression

If you hadn’t gone to the party yesterday, you wouldn’t feel tired now.

If I hadn’t eaten so much chocolate last night, I wouldn’t have a stomach-ache now.

2 – If + Simple Past (Type 2) , would / could / might + Have + V3 (Type 3)

If you were clever, you wouldn’t have done that stupid mistake.

If she weren’t shy, she would have been able to talk to John.


If Clause yapılarında devrik yapı kullanabilmenin yolu; Kosul cümleciginde ‘should / were veya had’ sözcüklerinden birinin bulunmasıdır.

If anyone should call, please take a message.

= Should anyone call, please take a message.

*** Should, olayın gerçeklesme olasılıgının çok az oldugunu anlatır.

If you should need to reach me, I will be in my office all day.

= Should you need to reach me, I will be in my office all day.

If I were you, I would stay here.

= Were I you, I would stay here.

If I saw her, I would tell her that I love her.

= Were I to see her, I would tell her that I love her.

If I had known what happened, I would have told you.

= Had I known what happened, I would have told you.

If they had saved enough money, they would have bought the house.

= Had they saved enough money, they would have bought the house.


Provided (that) Providing (that)

On condition (that) Supposing

On the understanding that In the event that As long as

Bu yapıların verdigi anlam = but only if

Unless: If not

If you don’t come, I won’t go there.

= Unless you come, I won’t go there.

*** Yine kosul cümlelerinde ‘will’ kullanılmaz.

Wish Clauses:

1 – a wish about future:

wish + would / could + Future Time expression

She can’t come tomorrow.

= I wish she could come tomorrow.

She won’t tell me the truth.

= I wish she would tell me the truth.

*** Dilek anlatan cümleciklerde ‘would’ modal’ı bir sikayet ifade etmek için de kullanılır.

I wish our next door neighbour wouldn’t make so much noise.

I wish it would stop raining.

2 – a wish about present:

wish + Simple Past / could

I don’t know French.

= I wish I knew French.


= I wish I could speak French.

I wish you were here now.

3 – a wish about past:

wish + Past Perfect

I wish you had asked me before you bought that car.

I wish I had studied hard enough last year.

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