
Unit 4 sweet dreams Worksheet

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Do you believe your dreams come true? ( Hayallerinin gerçekleşeceğine inanıyor musun?)
Do you daydream ? ( hayallere dalar mısın? ) Excuse me? ( pardon? )
What does it mean? ( Ne anlama gelir / Ne demektir) Really ? ( Gerçekten mi ? )
Can you repeat it, please? ( Tekrar edebilir misin lütfen)
Say that again,please . ( Tekrar et lütfen )
Sorry, I couldn’t follow you ( Üzgünüm seni dinleyemedim )
Sorry,I couldn’t understand you ( Üzgünüm, seni anlayamadım)
Are you listening to me? ( Beni dinlyor musun? )
I see you ( seni anlıyorum )
Of course ( Precisely / Definitely / Certainly / Sure / Absolutely ) = Elbette ,
Kesinlikle )

Exercise 1
loyalty : sadakat success : başarı
protection : koruma unexpressed emotions : gizli saklı duygular
wisdom : bilgelik,akıllılık mean : anlamına gelmek, ifade etmek / cimri
friendliness : arkadaşlık, dostluk innocence : masumiyet
knowledge : bilgi beauty : güzellik
Exercise 2
Symbolize : sembolize etmek Desire : istek ,arzu (ambition)
Reward : ödül Lonely : yalnız ( alone)
Prosperity : Refah, bolluk , bereket Path : Yol
Generosity : Cömertlik Faithful : sadık, vefalı (loyal)
Life goals : Yaşama amaçları, hayatımızdaki hedefler Desire : İstek,arzu

Exercise 12
Nightmare : kabus Foolish dream : aptalca rüya Dream : rüya
,rüya görmek
Sweet dream : tatlı rüya Pillow : yastık Fear :
Gerçekte olmayan, gerçekleşmesi muhtemel durumlardan bahsederken kullanılır.
If you see yourself walking in a field of daisies in your dream, you will have good luck .
( Eğer rüyada kendini bir papatya tarlasında yürürken görürsen, şansın açılır)
If you are sailing through rough seas in your dreams , you will overcome life’s difficulties.
( Eğer rüyada engin denizlere açılıyorsan, hayatın zorluklarının üstesinden geleceksin)
If you are watching the snow fall in your dream , you will make a clean start.
( Eğer rüyanda kar yağışını izliyorsan, temiz bir sayfa açacaksın.)
If you see apples on a tree in your dream , it means you will have lots of rewards.
( Eğer rüyanda ağaçta bolca elma görürsen, bu senin birçok hediye alacağın anlamına gelir.)

If you see yourself walking in a field of daisies in your dream, you will have good luck.

Present Simple Tense Present Future
You see yourself walking in a field of daisies . You have good luck .
First Sentence Second Sentence
Page 29 Exercise 1
Fill in the blanks with the correct expression from the box.

success in your life

unexpressed emotions knowledge and wisdom loyalty and protection
new friends and exciting adventures beauty, friendliness and innocence

  1. If you see a do in your dream , it symbolizes ________________________.
  2. If you see apples on a tree in your dream , they symbolize _______________
    __ .
  3. If you are travelling in your dream , it means you will have ______________
    __ .
  4. If you see yourself in a daisy field in oyur dream, it means ______________
    __ .
  5. If you are sailing in your dreams, it means you will have _________________
    __ .
  6. If you see a heavy snow in your dream , it symbolizes your ______________
    __ .

Page 33 Exercise 14
Use the expressions given in the boxes and make sentences as in the example.

Page 35 Exerc,se 21 the correct option .

I was very tired yesterday. I fall asleep on the sofa at seven o’clock in the evening. While I was
sleeping / slept, I heard a noise outside. I got up immediately . While I was running / ran to the
window. , I hurt my foot. I was deciding / decided to put some ice on my foot , but a plate
was falling down / fell down while I was taking / took ice from the refrigerator. When I
was stepping / stepped my cat’s tail, I went / was going to the sitting room. My poor cat began to
scream . He screamed / was still screaming when the door bell rang / was ringing. While I
went / was going to the door, I broke / was breaking the vase on the corner . The doorkeeper
cleaned /was cleaning the stairs when I opened / was opening the door. It was nine o’clock in the
morning and I was late for work .
do puzzles wash the car read a book

tie his sholaces use the computer play tennis


Alice : I’m unhappy nowadays. I gain more weight. So, I can’t focus on anything. What should I do?
Greg : _____________
Alice : Why don’t you listen to me Greg?
Greg : I’m sorry , I couldn’t follow you.
Konuşmada boş bırakılan yere aşağıdaki ifadelerden hangisi getirilmelidir?
a) What do you mean?
b) You shouln’t eat junk food
c) What do you want to do ?
d) How can I help you?

Jane : I think John is a tolerant person.
Sue : …………………………………………………….
Jane : I mean he listens to me carefully and he doesn’t get angry easily.
Sue : Oh, yes. He is very helpful,too. He is there whenever I need him.
Konuşmada boş bırakılan yere aşağıdaki ifadelerden hangisi getirilmelidir?
a) What is John like?
b) What does John look like?
c) What do you mean?
d) What does John do ?

Cemre : You look tired , Gina. Why don’t you have a rest?
Gina : Sorry, I couldn’t understand you. Can you repeat it please?
Cemre : Ok, Gina. You should go home and have a rest.

Cemre : You look tired , Gina. Why don’t you have a rest?
Gina : Sorry, I couldn’t understand you. Can you repeat it please?
Cemre : Ok, Gina. You should go home and have a rest.

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