
Vocabulary For the Twelfth Unit

Vocabulary For the Twelfth Unit


leave the desk tidy : sırayı düzenli bırakmak

leave the desk untidy : sırayı dağınık bırakmak

be careful about writing : yazarken dikkatli olmak

delay studying : çalışmayı ertelemek

listen somone’s problem : birisinin problemini dinlemek

help someone with his/her homework : birisine ödevinde yardım etmek

make decision easily : kolayca karar vermek

keep a secret : sır tutmak

like loud music : yüksek sesli müzik sevmek

take notes in classes : derste not tutmak

do homework daily : günlük ödev yapmak

cheat in the exams : sınavlarda kopya çekmek

keep your promise : sözünü tutmak

like parties : partileri sevmek


extrovert : dışa dönük

modest : mütevazi,alçak gönüllü

good-tempered : iyi huylu, uysal

optimistic : iyimser

honest : dürüst

reliable : güvenilir

generous : cömert

friendly : dost canlısı, cana yakın

neat : düzgün, düzenli

decisive : kararlı

kind : kibar

tidy : düzenli

helpful : yardımsever

hardworking : çalışkan

easy- going : geçimli, uysal

sociable : sosyal, girişken

sincere : içten, samimi

responsible : sorumlu

neat : düzenli,düzgün,derli toplu


undecisive : kararsız

moody : huysuz,dengesiz,karamsar

unreliable : güvenilmez

bad-tempered : kötü huylu,aksi

unfriendly : uyumsuz, anlaşması zor olan, huysuz

rude : kaba

pessimistic : kötümser

unsociable : uyumsuz,

aggressive : agresif

irresponsible : sorumsuz

dishonest : namussuz

introvert : içe dönük

lazy : tembel

stubborn : inatçı

bossy : otoriter , patronluk taslayan

unpunctual : dakik olmayan

impatient : sabırsız

depressive : depresif

untidy ( messy ) : dağını, tertipsiz

Kate is now at the university and she is looking for a true friend . Talk to Kate and decide “Which mate is true for her ? ”


You : What’s his name?

Kate : He’s Adriano.

You : How old is he ?

Kate : He’s 23.

You : Is he married?

Kate : No. He’s single.

You : What does he look like?

Kate : He has got brown hair with brown eyes . He is medium-weight and slim.

You : What are his hobbies?

Kate : She is interested in swimming and dancing.

You : What is he like?

Kate : He is outgoing and open , but he is lazy.

You : Where does he live?

Kate : He lives in the countryside.

You : What is his job?

Kate : He has got a part-time job. He is a taxi driver.

You : What is his nationality ?

Kate : He is Spanish.

You : What languages does he speak?

Kate: Portuguese and English

You : What is he excited about ?

Kate : He is excited about dancing.

You : What is he bored with?

Kate : He is bored with working at nights.

You : What is he happy about?

Kate : He is happy about family life.

You : What are his fears ?

Kate: He is afraid of Spiders.


You : What’s her name?

Kate : She is Akira.

You : How old is she ?

Kate : She’s 24.

You : Is she married?

Kate : No. She’s single.

You : What does she look like?

Kate : She has got brown eyes with brown hair . She is tall and slim.

You : What are her hobbies?

Kate : She is interested in playing football and dancing.

You : What is she like?

Kate : She is shy and hardworking.

You : Where does she live?

Kate : She lives in the city centre.

You : What is his job?

Kate : She has got a part-time job. She is a chef.

You : What is her nationality ?

Kate : He is Japanese.

You : What languages does she speak?

Kate: Japanese and English.

You : What is she excited about ?

Kate :She is excited about cooking.

You : What is she bored with?

Kate : She is bored with selfish people.

You : What is she happy about?

Kate : She is happy about her job.

You : What are her fears?

Kate : She is afraid of snakes.


You : What’s her name?

Kate : She is Byanca.

You : How old is she ?

Kate : She’s 23.

You : Is she married?

Kate : No. She’s single.

You : What does she look like?

Kate : She has got blonde with blue eyes. . She is tall and slim.

You : What are her hobbies?

Kate : She is intersted in going out with friends and travelling.

You : What is she like?

Kate : She is outgoing , creative and open.

You : Where does she live?

Kate : She lives in the city centre.

You : What is her job?

Kate : She has got a part-time job.She is a fashion designer

You : What is her nationality ?

Kate : He is Italian.

You : What languages does she speak?

Kate: Italian and English.

You : What is she excited about ?

Kate :She is excited about fashion shows.

You : What is she bored with?

Kate : She is bored with spoiled models.

You : What is she happy about?

Kate : She is happy about her life.

You : What are her fears?

Kate : She is afraid of spiders.

Önemli notlar


Be afraid of something: bir şeyden korkmak

He is afraid of spiders.

Be interested in sth : bir şeylerle ilgilenmek

She is interested in travelling.

Be bad at sth : bir şeyde kötü olmak

I’m bad at playing tennis.

Be good at sth : bir şeyde iyi olmak

I’m good at playing basketball.

Complain about sth : bir şeylerden şikayet etmek

She never complains about long hours when she has to work at nights.

fear : korku

be happy about sth : bir şeyden mutlu olmak

be bored with sth : bir şeye canı sıkılmak

be excited about sth : bir şeyi çok sevmek

Adriano is bored with working at nights.

Akira is happy about her job.

Byanca is excited about fashion shows.

Eğer bu kalıpların sonunda yer alan “about”kelimesinden sonra fiil gelirse –ing takısı alır .

Eğer bu kalıpların sonunda yer alan “about” kelimesinden sonra isim gelirse herhangi bir değişiklik olmaz.


1. Do you leave your dest tidy?

a) Yes, I do b) Yes, Of course c) No,I don’t

2. Do you leave your desk untidy?

a) Yes,I do b) Yes, sometimes c) No,I don’t

3. Do you delay your studying ?

a) Yes, I do b) Yes, sometimes c) No,I don’t

4. Do you listen to your friends when they have a problem?

a) Yes, I do b) Of course c) No,I don’t

5. How often do you help your sister , brother or friends with their homework?

a) Always b) Sometimes c) Never

6. Do you make decision early ?

a) Yes, I do b) Yes, sometimes c) No, I don’t

7. Do you keep a secret?

a) Yes, I do b) Not always c) No, I don’t

8. Do you like listening to loud music ?

a) Yes, I do b) Not always c) No, I don’t

9. How often do you take notes in classes ?

a) Always b) Sometimes c) Never

10. Do you do your homework daily?

a) Always b) Sometimes c) Never

11. Do you cheat in exams ?

a) Never b) Sometimes c) Always

12. How often do you keep your promises?

a) Always b) Sometimes c) Never

13. Do you like parties ?

a) Yes, I do b) Yes, sometimes c) No, I don’t

30-39 : You are ,hardworking,decisive and successful . You like helping , but you are a little messy. Try to be neat and well-organised. You are reliable. You will have a good career. We wish you luck. 20 -30 : You are hardworking but you aren’t well-organised. You are helpful and reliable. But these are not enough for a good future. You are too impatient. You should be patient. Try to be sensible. 20-12 : Sorry, you are messy and lazy. Make some plans for the future. Don’t waste your time having fun. Be neat and well-organised . Don’t delay your studying .Take your life under control. Be patient and hardworking.

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