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1) Bu roman, aslında son derece ilginç olan ana tema yeterince geliştirilmemiş olduğu için
A) The central theme is, in fact, interesting and by developing it suitably the novel could’ve
B) This novel fails to satisfy because the main theme which incidentally could be quite interesting is
not properly developed.
C) The novel’s central theme, though adequately developed fails to hold the attention of the reader.
D) This novel fails because the main theme which is in fact extremely interesting has not been
adequately developed.
E) As the main theme has not been satisfactorily developed the novel cannot hold one’s interest for
incidentally: z. tesadüfen; fazladan; aklıma gelmişken
2) Bazı üyeler sorunlarını başkana düşmanca bir tavır içinde yönelttiler ve bu da doğal olarak
onu telaşa düşürdü.
A) The manner in which these few hostile members asked their questions was designed to disconcert
the chairman.
B) The manner in which some members addressed their questions showed their hostility and
naturally the chairman lost confidence.
C) The chairman grew apprehensive when the questions put to him showed the hostility of the
D) The hostility of a few of the members became apparent when they asked the chairman very
disconcerting questions.
E) Some members put their questions to the chairman in a hostile manner and this naturally
unnerved him
disconcert: (f) düzenini bozmak, karıştırmak; sinirlendirmek; şaşırtmak / apprehensive: (s)
endişeli, vesveseli ; anlayışlı, müdrik; hassas, duygulu / unnerve: (f) cesaretini kırmak, güvenini
3) Eski belediye başkanının parti politikasında oynadığı rol ile ilgili olarak son yıllarda basınyayında pek çok saçmalık yer aldı.
A) Until recently the part the late mayor played in party politics was regarded as nonsense by the
B) Recently the role the ex-mayor played in party politics has been unreasonably played up by the
C) In recent years a great deal of nonsense has appeared in the media about the role the ex-mayor
played in the party politics.
D) Outside the media, the late mayor’s role in party politics was rarely treated seriously.
E) The media appeared to ridicule the role recently played by the ex-mayor in party politics.
play up: belirtmek, tebaruz ettirmek, üzerinde durmak / ridicule: (f) istihza etmek, alay etmek,
gülmek, eğlenmek

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