Ogrenci Secme ve Yerlestirme Merkezi

Kpds ingilizce onemli kelimeler ornekler

1) abash: fluster, disconcert, discomfit, discompose utandırmak

i. If you are abashed, you feel embarrassed and ashamed.

2) abate diminish, subside, dwindle hafiflemek, azaltmak

i. When an unpleasant situation or feeling abates, it becomes much less strong or widespread

3) abdicate* relinquish, step down, renounce bırakmak, terk etmek

i. If a monarch abdicates or abdicates the throne, they formally announce that they are giving

ii. up their position as monarch.

4) aboard on board, in, boarded içinde, binmiş

i. If you are aboard a ship or plane, you are on or in it.

5) abolish end, abrogate, do away with yürürlükten kaldırmak

i. If you abolish a system or practice, you put an end to it.

6) abridge shorten, condense, contract kısaltmak

i. If you abridge something , you make short or shorter the duration.

7) abrogate abolish, cancel, repeal yürürlükten kaldırmak, iptal etmek

i. To abrogate something such as a law or agreement means to put an end to it.

8) absorb* soak up,tke up,take in emmekiçine almak

i. The immigrants were quickly absorbed into society.

9) abuse maltreat, misuse, exploit kötüye kullanmak, suistimal etmek

i. Don’t abuse the system; The director of the factory misused the funds intended for

ii. the health care of his workers.

10) accede assent,adhere,assent,ive in razı olmak

i. If you accede to someone’s request, opinion, or demand, you agree to do what they want; a formal word.

11) access* reach, obtain, retrieve erişmek,ulaşmak

i. If you gain access to a building or other place, you succeed in getting into it.

12) accomplish* achieve, attain başarmak, başarıyla yerine getirmek

i. If you accomplish something, you succeed in doing it.

13) accumulate pile up, heap, aggregate yığılmak, birikmek

i. When you accumulate things or when they accumulate, they collect or gather over

ii. a period of time.

14) achieve** accomplish, attain, reach başarmak, ulaşmak

i. If you achieve a particular aim or effect, you succeed in obtaining it.

15) acquire* obtain, gain, attain elde etmek, kazanmak

i. If you acquire something, you obtain it.

16) adapt adjust, alter, conform uyarlamak, adapte etmek

i. If you adapt to a new situation or adapt yourself to it, you change in order to be

ii. able to deal with it.

17) adjust adapt, acclimatize, conform adapte olmak, uymak

i. When you adjust to a new situation, you get used to it by changing your behaviour

ii. or your ideas.

18) adopt accept, approve, select kabul etmek, benimsemek

i. If you adopt an attitude, plan, or course of action, you begin to have it or carry it

ii. out.

19) advocate support, uphold, back desteklemek

i. If you advocate a particular action or plan, you support it publicly.

20) affiliate join, become linked to, incorporate kabul etmek (üyelik vb)

i. If an organization affiliates itself or is affiliated to another organization, it forms

ii. a close official link with it or becomes a member of it.

21) afflict harm, trouble, distress harap etmek, zarar vermek

i. If you are afflicted by pain, illness, or a disaster, it affects you badly and makes you suffer.

22) aggravate worsen, exacerbate, intensify kötüleştirmek, zorlaştırmak

i. If you aggravate a situation, you make it worse.

23) aggregate gather, accumulate, total bir araya getirmek, toplamak

i. Some bacteria aggregate so closely as to mimic a multicellular organism.

24) alienate estrange, distance, separate yabancılaşmak, soğutmak, uzaklaştırmak

i. If you alienate someone, you make them become unfriendly or unsympathetic

ii. towards you.

25) allege assert, claim, state iddia etmek, ileri sürmek

i. If you allege that something is true, you say it but do not prove it.

26) allocate allot, assign, designate ayırmak, tahsis etmek

i. If something is allocated to a particular person or for a particular purpose, it is given

ii. to that person or used for that purpose.

27) allot allocate, assign, designate ayırmak, tahsis etmek

i. If something is allotted to someone, it is given to them as their share.

28) allude imply, refer to, mention ima etmek, kısaca bahsetmek

i. If you allude to something, you mention it in an indirect way.

29) alter modify, shift, vary değişmek, değiştirmek

i. If something alters or if you alter it, it changes.

30) amend ameliorate, improve, revise düzeltmek, değiştirmek, iyileştirmek

i. If you amend something that has been written or said, you change it.

31) amplify increase, enlarge, augment,inflate,expand artırmak, büyütmek

i. If you amplify a sound, you make it louder.

32) annihilate destroy, obliterate, exterminate yok etmek

i. If something is annihilated, it is destroyed completely.

33) annoy irritate, bother, disturb canını sıkmak, kızdırmak

i. If someone annoys you, they make you fairly angry and impatient.

34) annul invalidate, nullify, rescind geçersiz kılmak, iptal etmek

i. If a contract or result is annulled, it is declared invalid, so that legally it is

ii. considered never to have existed.

35) anticipate* forecast, predict, expect tahmin etmek, beklemek, ummak

i. If you anticipate an event, you realize in advance that it may happen and you are

ii. prepared for it.

36) appeal request, ask, solicit istemek, rica etmek, yalvarmak

i. If you appeal to someone for something that you need, you make a serious and

ii. urgent request for it.

37) appraise evaluate, assess, rate değerlendirmek

i. If you appraise something, you consider it carefully and form an opinion about it.

38) approve accept, favour, support uygun görmek, kabul etmek

i. If someone in authority approves a plan or idea, they formally agree to it.

39) arrange* organize, sort, plan ayarlamak, düzenlemek

i. If you arrange an event or meeting, you make plans for it to happen.

40) ascend rise, go up, climb yükselmek

i. If something ascends, it goes upwards.

41) ascribe attribute, attach, link bağlamak, atfetmek

i. If you ascribe an event or state of affairs to a particular factor, you think that it is

ii. caused by that factor.

42) aspire crave, desire, be ambitious çok istemek, can atmak

i. If you aspire to something such as an important job, you have a strong desire to

ii. have it.

43) assail attack, assault, set upon saldırmak (şiddetli)

i. If you are assailed by unpleasant thoughts or problems, you are greatly troubled by

ii. a lot of them; a literary word.

44) assault attack, assail, set upon saldırmak

i. An assault by an army is a strong attack made against an enemy.

45) assert state, claim, declare şiddetle savunm

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