
11-D Listening exam

PAST TENSE (Each correct answer is 5 points. Total 50 points.)

A.LISTENING I-) Part I- Listen to Maggie and choose the correct alternative

1. When did Maggie fly to Puerto Rico?

a) July 23rd b) August 4th c) June 23rd

2. Who wasn’t worried on the plane?

a) Maggie b) Pablo c) her friend

3. Who can’t speak Spanish very well?

a) Maggie b) Pablo c) Charlie

4. What language did Pablo and Sonia speak?

a) English b) Puerto Rican c) Spanish

5. Charlie didn’t feel _____________ because he understood them.

a) excited b) frustrated c) exhausted

Part.II Listen to these statements and choose T (true) or F (false).

1. Charlie and Maggie were on a trip. T F

2. Maggie wasn’t worried on the plane. T F

3. Pablo and Sonia were friendly. T F

4. Charlie’s Spanish wasn’t good, so he was frustrated. T F

5. Maggie and Charlie weren’t glad they went to Puerto Rico. T F

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